Friday, May 6, 2011

The Long and The Short Of It

I've been growing out my hair for quite a while now. I had visions of long hair past my shoulders. It is now officially at the point where I am so sick of it. I just don't feel like it looks nice any way that I style it. I'm starting to think that it's just not my style anymore to have long hair. I haven't cut it yet. I don't want to do anything hasty and regret it. I'm wondering if I will like the ponytail advantage on hot days this summer. I just can't decide. What do you think?

Longer a hair a few years right before I cut it chin length.

Chin Length

I really like it styled this way.

This is a couple months ago, so it's even a little longer now. It just takes a lot of time, and doesn't feel all that polished when I'm done.


  1. I like the length of the 3rd and 4th picture the best.

  2. Sara, I think you look beautiful both ways! I like the option of pulling my hair into a ponytail, but I probably do that too often. Sometimes I don't know what to do with my hair when it's not in a ponytail. What does Craig like?
