Monday, August 9, 2010


I am blogging this entry for accountability. I have counted calories and exercised at least 5 days a week for over a year and a half, with no success. We also eat healthy. I can't remember the last time I bought ground beef. I use all ground turkey. We eat turkey, fish, chicken, and pork. I also eat a lot of salads. My one downfall was Diet Coke.

After talking to a friend, who is a dietician, she thought it sounded like I might have a hormone imbalance. She suggested a diet she has been using for fatigue and other health problems. It is basically no sugar, no dairy and no flour of any kind. I am eating low fat protein, a lot of beans (which Dr. Oz says are the miracle food,) 3-5 servings of vegetables a day (no fruit because of the sugar,)and only drinking water. The idea is that you are constantly detoxing your body to correct any health problem you might have. It is all explained here. In 4 weeks I've lost 16 pounds which is such a good feeling after trying for so long. If I write it down here, I will have to stay with it. I usually lose and gain in my face first. Craig couldn't believe the difference already.


After - I also have a lot more energy which is a great added bonus.


  1. I can totally tell a difference and I LOVE your new hair color! :)

  2. You look good Sara. Have your dorkey husband call me. Squib
